You know us crazy kids. We'll do anything crazy to our hair.

I have awesome hair.  I know this because  . . . well more on that later . . .   

I’ve only recently started growing my hair long.  As a child my mother didn’t let me grow it because grooming wasn’t exactly my strong suit.  So, if I wasn’t going to take care of it then I couldn’t have it.

As I got older and more inclined to primp and preen I still didn’t let it grow beyond my shoulders.

Until I met my (now) hubby.  Early on in our relationship it became apparent that he likes long hair.  So, I let it grow.

It’s taken some time but my hair has gotten fairly long . . . a little more than halfway down my back. 

Anyhoo . . . I know I have awesome hair because I was hanging out with some friends, chatting and whatnot when someone came up behind me and started playing with my hair . . . running his hands through it and stroking it.  At first, I thought it was hubby . . . it wasn’t.  It was a little creepy even though I know the guy.  He was like, “you have really nice hair”, and continued to stroke it.   So, I said . . . “I haven’t shampooed my hair in over six months, you know”

Really, I haven’t. 

It started out as an experiment.  I liked the results so much that I’ve incorporated it into my regular grooming.  No-pooing is healthy, inexpensive and my hair has never looked better or healthier.

My regime is to wash my hair with a tablespoon or so of baking soda dissolved into a couple cups of warm water.  I pour it on the roots and work it through to the ends then rinse it out.  Baking soda removes excess oil, debris and quite effectively eliminates odors.

I mention the odor removing properties because I work as a bartender part-time.  I work in a private club that allows smoking . . . including cigars. So after working my hair often reeks of smoke.  The baking soda wash completely neutralizes the smoky smell.  It quite impressive.

Because baking soda leaves my hair unmanageable if I don’t follow up with a rinse.  So after washing I apply a rinse of either cider vinegar and water or lemon juice and water; which are both acids withi effectively counteracts the alkalinity of the baking soda.  The rinse leaves my hair tangle free, soft and glossy.  Believe it or not the vinegar smell completely rinses away and leaves my hair smelling like . . . well . . . hair.   No perfumes, no chemicals . . . just clean, fresh hair.

Anyhoo . . . my hair is awesome . . . just sayin’.


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