You say Haluska, I say Haluski

The day I met my husband we were full of playful banter and conversation.  On one particular occasion I asked him if he knew what a ditzometer was.  He must have misunderstood the question because he went on and on about how it was an instrument to gauge the thinger-jigger of a doo-hicky and in order to get a precise measurement the thingy-doodle had to be calibrated to match the output of the whatchamacallit to gather to input of the thing-a-ma-bobby and so on and so forth. That is not a direct quote, of course. I was cracking up so much I couldn’t really pay attention to what he was babbling about.

After he completed his oral dissertation on whatever it was he was rambling on about, I explained to him what a ditzometer was. And, for those of you who do not know, I will explain it to you, as well.  In that way, you will be edumacated and whatnot.

A ditzometer is simply nothing more than a ponytail.  However, the placement on the head determines the level of airheadedness . . . or ditziness . . . of the bearer.  The highter the ponytail the spacier the cadet. For example: a ponytail tied above the crown is just about as ditzy as a person can get.  However, a ponytail secured snuggly at the nape indicates a smart bookwormy type.  There are, of course, varying degrees of ditziness between these two extremes.

I’m not sure what a side ponytail means.  Perhaps it is an indicator of insanity.  Or, geez, what about TWO ponytails, one on each side of the head.  Holy shmokers! 


Green cabbage is versatile veggie that is inexpensive and available year-round. 

Hungarians prepare cabbage in more different ways than any other ethnic cuisine.

  • Sour Cream Cole Slaw (Tejfeles kaposztasalata)
  • Hungarian style Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup (Paradicsomos kaposztaleves)
  • Sauerkraut and Pork (Szekely gulyas)
  • Stuffed Cabbage (Sorma) or (Toltottkaposzta)

This dish exemplifies the delicacy of sautéed cabbage. It comes out nutty,  buttery and absolutely yum-dilly-icious!


Lemme quickly tie up the loose ends . . . story about husband, husband is Hungarian, plus cabbage equals recipe . . .


Cabbage and Noodles
(Haluska – Hungarian or Haluski – Slovak)
-          1 Stick Of Butter
-          1 Large Onion Peeled And Cut In Strips
-          1 Small Head Of Cabbage Or 1/2 Large Head Of Cabbage, Cut Into Strips
-          1 Tsp. Salt
-          1/4 Tsp. Pepper
-          1 Box Or Bag Of Large Egg Noodles, Cooked And Drained
-          1 Pint Of Sour Cream

Melt the butter in a large pan or pot, large enough to hold the chopped cabbage.

Sauté the cabbage and the onion in the butter until glossy and tender.

Now add the salt, pepper. Cover and let the cabbage mixture cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. 

Add cooked drained egg noodles, sour cream and mix.

Add salt to taste.

Note: This dish tastes great with kielbasa or polish sausage served on top of the noodles and the cabbage.  Cream cheese makes a lovely substitute for the sour cream.  


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