Christmas customs are steeped in pagan ritual and symbolism . . . from the tree, to the mistletoe, to the Yule log, to singing carols . . . and, yes, even Santa Claus . . . that holly jolly fellow all get up in red crushed velvet, white fur and black leather . . . go get ‘im PETA! Yeppers, it’s all pagan tradition.
Did you know that Santa has an alter ego? Oh yes . . . Santa has a wicked twin and his name is Krampus . . . he’s like the anti-Claus. While Santa busies himself making his list and checking it twice . . . Krampus punishes the little waifs who haven’t been nice.

Anyhoo, he’s one scary dude! The eve of St. Nicholas Day, December 5th, is Krampus Night. It is celebrated in Austria and other parts of Europe . Traditionally, people dress up as the demon Krampus and roam the streets looking for someone to beat with a stick. Wowzers! What fun!
Imagine an old world winter time version of spring break, without the sun, sand and ‘Girls Gone Wild’ cameramen all over the place. Once a festival of penitence and sobriety, Krampus night has turned into a carnival of drunken debauchery . . . and getting smacked around with a stick. Oh my . . . you are such a bad, bad girl . . . mmm, yeah baby . . . hurt me, hurt me. (Oops! Did I just type that out loud?)
So, here it is. Christmas Eve . . . have you been naughty or nice? Mix up a cocktail in honor of Krampus while you think about it.
Red Devil Cocktail (or Red Death)
• One half ounce of Rose's Lime Juice
• One half ounce of Triple Sec
• One half ounce of Vodka
• One half ounce of Amaretto
• One half ounce of Southern Comfort
• One half ounce of Sloe Gin
• Orange Juice
First fill a tall glass with ice. The drink will be built up in the glass.
Next add one half ounce of Rose's Lime Juice to the glass. It is important to add the lime juice first due to the weight of the juice so that it will be at the bottom of the drink instead of mixed in it. Plus it makes the drink look better.
Now add one half ounce of Triple Sec to the drink.
Follow that up by adding one half ounce of Vodka
Then add one half ounce of Amaretto to the drink.
Now add one half ounce of Southern Comfort.
Next add one half ounce of Sloe Gin.
Finally, now that all of the liquors have been added, top the drink off with fresh Orange Juice.
This is a great drink but it is very strong to say the least. It’ll kick your ass just like the Krampus will, bottoms up!!
This is a great drink but it is very strong to say the least. It’ll kick your ass just like the Krampus will, bottoms up!!
Hee hee . . . Bottoms up :D