I can’t be the only person who thinks dolls are creepy . . . imitation human beings devoid of facial expression. It’s not too difficult to imagine that a doll is staring at you. They don't move, but they watch you . . . following your movements with their vacant, staring eyes framed by those chubby cherubic cheeks and the knowing smile. They know that you know they’re watching you and it is very very creepy!
Just try to deny it that dolls are eerie . . . I’m not hearing any arguments so I will take the silence as agreement.
Is it possible for a spirit to attach itself to a doll or even to invade and "possess" a doll? There are plenty of stories around telling of all kinds of dolls that are haunted by the ghost of the child who loved it or, worse, by mischievous demonic spirits.
I came across this one and I want to share it because it’s disturbing on so many levels. I call it . . . ‘As the Sex Doll Turns’ . . . let me make it perfectly clear that this is NOT my story. I didn't make it up, it didn't happen to me and I don't personally have any experience with a RealDoll. Unless you count my husband, he IS a real doll . . . just not one of THOSE.
I have always been fascinated with the paranormal; I decided to buy a supposedly haunted doll from an online auction. I also purchased an electronic “ghost detector” that is supposed to reveal electrical, magnetic, and RF fields. For different reasons, around the same time I got a RealDoll.
When the haunted doll came I unpacked it and set it on the middle of the kitchen table. I still hadn’t unpacked the real doll because, despite knowing what it was when I bought it, I still thought it was a little weird. When I finally unpacked the RealDoll the haunted doll fell from the table onto the floor . . . from the middle of the table.
Not really thinking too much about it, I picked up the haunted doll and set it back on the table. That night I took the RealDoll to my bedroom. I slept with it in a spoon position. When I woke the next morning the real doll was no longer facing away from me but staring directly at me. It had somehow it turned itself around in the middle of the night!
Not really thinking too much about it, I picked up the haunted doll and set it back on the table. That night I took the RealDoll to my bedroom. I slept with it in a spoon position. When I woke the next morning the real doll was no longer facing away from me but staring directly at me. It had somehow it turned itself around in the middle of the night!
The next morning I tested the haunted doll with the electronic tester but I didn’t get any reading. Disappointed and feeling slightly ripped off I went online to look up information about haunted items. I found an article about ghosts that project themselves on items. It said that sometimes they move to other things. I went to my bedroom and tested the RealDoll. The meter gave off a weak signal then went nuts then back to normal.

I was so freaked out that I put the RealDoll in my bedroom closet. After about thirty minutes I began to hear whispering. I ignored it and that night when I started to drift off I heard crying coming from the closet.
The next morning when I woke up every framed picture of a female had, including a picture of my mom, was on the floor. But all my other pictures were where they were supposed to be.
I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going crazy, so I asked my friend, Jessica, to spend the night with me . . . and the RealDoll. She agreed but I didn’t mention that I thought the doll was haunted.
In bed that night, I was lying on the right side, the RealDoll in the middle and Jessica was on the left side. The next morning we woke up and the doll was staring at me its hand resting on my side. What’s weirder is that, even though nothing sexual had happened, there were unrolled condoms and wrappers all over the floor and bed! Jessica told me that she had a dream that the doll attacked her and told her to leave.
While Jessica took a shower and changed, I picked up the litter and made the bed. All of a sudden, I heard Jessica scream and come running out of the bathroom completely naked. She was crying and said she wanted to leave right away. I calmed her down and asked her what was wrong. She turned around and I follower her into the bathroom. She pointed to the mirror where, scrawled in the steam, were the words "get out”.
After that, I thought about destroying the doll. But anytime I thought about getting rid of her, I would get very sad and I feel as though someone very closed to me had passed away. It was very strange. And, besides my room being littered with condoms and pictures falling down nothing really harmful had happened.

“You think you’re so smart don’t you”, I said to Jenny and walked to the living room. I would have left the house but my keys were in my room. Even though I was terrfied, I lay down on the couch and I began to slowly drift off. Suddenly theTV turned on. I sat up and looked for the remote thinking it had to be on the couch. The remote was by the TV. I got up and walked into her room and sat in a chair just staring at the doll as it blankly stared back.

Weird things continued to happen. But, since she no longer sleeps with me and is in her own room, I noticed the hostility died down.
I can’t get rid of the doll . . . Jenny. I’ve become too attached at this point. I’ve already humanized it/her too much and I’m very curious to see if I can piece together a history.
I swear I didn't make this up . . . it's a story I found in the interwebs. Maybe THEY made it up. Who knows?
By the way, if you don't already know, a RealDoll is a lifelike looking people-size sex doll. It’s not a plastic blow-up doll but has a flexible jointed skeleton and supple silicone skin. Prices begin at around $6,500 and some exceed the $10,000 price range.
Rustic Chocolate Chip Banana Oat Cake with Peanut Butter Banana Glaze
- 2 Cups Regular Oats, Processed Into A Flour
- 1/2 Cup Regular Oats
- 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar, Packed Firmly
- 1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
- 1/8th Tsp Ground Nutmeg
- 1/16th Tsp Ground Cloves
- 2 Tbsp Cane Sugar
- 1 Tsp Baking Powder
- 1/2 Tsp Kosher Salt
- 2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
- 3 Medium Very Ripe Bananas, Peeled
- 1 Stewed Apple Or 1/3 Cup Applesauce
- 1/4 Cup Half And Half
- 1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
- 1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
- 1/4 Cup Walnuts, Chopped
- Peanut Butter Glaze (Recipe below)
- 1 Cup Crushed Pretzels
Preheat oven to 350F and lightly grease a 8 inch (4 cup) casserole dish or 8” cake pan. Take 2 cups of regular oats and process them in a food processor until flour like in consistency.
In another bowl, mix together the oil, applesauce, almond milk, and vanilla. Add in the two peeled bananas and smash into the wet ingredients until smooth.
Add the wet mixture to the dry and stir until just combined. Now fold in the chips, optional walnuts, and the chopped banana.
Spread into prepared pan and bake for 36 minutes at 350F or until a toothpick comes out clean.
The cake must be cooled for at least 15-20 minutes before attempting to remove.
Once fully cooled, slice and top with PB Banana Glaze (see below).
Easy Peanut Butter Banana Glaze
1 ripe banana (but not too ripe, you still want it solid!)
2 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 cup icing sugar, sifted
Pinch of kosher salt, to taste
Mash banana in a bowl until smooth. Add in peanut butter and mash until combined. Sift in the salt and icing sugar and stir until fully combined. Makes about 2/3 cup glaze. Store in fridge in a sealed contained for 1-2 days.
When ready to serve, sprinkle with crushed pretzels.
Store in the fridge for up to 3 days. Makes 8-10 servings.