Let there be space in your togetherness

Can someone please tell me what’s so elusive about that concept of ‘personal space’?

I don’t know you . . . don’t touch me.  I barely know you . . . don’t hug me.  Hell, for that matter, don’t even talk to me!

I’ve had people approach me to discuss some topic or other.  That’s cool, I’m okay with that . . . for the most part.  It’s when they keeping coming to the point where I’m backing up  . . . and backing up . . . until I hit a wall and there’s no place left to go.  I nearly go into flight or fight mode.  The point is . . . I don’t need to know that you forgot to put on your deodorant that morning or that you ate a bushel of garlic for dinner last night.  Get out of my face!

In Western culture the generally accepted amount of personal space between two people who are not intimate is anywhere between 1.5 to 4 feet.  I would tend towards the further end of that spectrum.  There are other cultures where the idea of personal space has all but been eradicated do to crowded living conditions.  But that’s not here and that’s certainly not me!

There’s a reason I’m no longer a beautician and work with computers.  There’s by far . . . and beyond . . . less personal contact.  Guess what I like best about my bartending job . . .  the physical barrier.  That and if someone gets out of hand I can bop them on the head with a baton. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t mind being touched.  It’s just a matter of whom I am being touch by.  Hubby . . . he can touch me all over . . . and over again . . . rowr.  My friends . . . friends not acquaintances . . . can be touchy, huggy . . . to a degree . . . and some more than others.   But, if I barely know you or don’t know you at all?  Step off, buddy!  And, if you're not sure where you stand then you probably shouldn't get too close.

Scientifically, there is a section of your brain that is hardwired to repel close human contact; except, of course, when sex is a possibility.   That is why, as far as I’m concerned, hubby has zero personal space . . . I’m all into that space as often as logistically possible.  Anyhoo . . . the reaction to be repulsed by close personal contact is thought to be a throw back to the days when someone would snatch your woman by the hair and drag her off to their cave . . . or your food. 

Consider this an education in personal space etiquette . . . and a warning.  

Stuffed Zucchini Casserole

2 Medium Zucchini, Chopped
1 Medium Onions, Minced
1 (7 Ounce) Cans Roasted Red Peppers, Chopped
1/2 Green Peppers, Chopped
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Tomato Chopped
1/4-1/2 Teaspoon Oregano
Salt And Pepper
3/4 Lb Ground Beef
Olive Oil
8 Slices Cheese
2 Tbsp Butter
1 Cup Bread Crumbs

Heat olive oil in a fairly large skillet.

Sauté garlic first, then add onions, green pepper, and oregano.

When the veggies begin to soften, add ground meat.  Season with salt and pepper, and brown until cooked through.

Drain off any excess grease. And put into a large bowl. 

Saute tomatoes in olive oil until they begin to soften.  Add to meat mixture.

Saute zucchini in olive oil until they start to brown.  Add to meat mixture.

Mix the meat mixture, tomatoes zucchini together.  Mix in roasted red peppers and cheese.   Pour into a 9x13 greased casserole dish.

Melt butter in a skillet and add the bread crumbs.  Mix thoroughly and spread overtop of zucchini casserole.
Bake in a 375ºF oven for 20-30 minutes, until heated through, and cheese begins to bubble and brown.

Serve hot.


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