The lizard-man sleestak were really creepy . . . with their camel toe fingers and exaggerated breathing . . . pretty frightening for an impressionable youngster. This, of course, was before horribly graphic video games and violent TV shows. Now could have totally done without the little cave-dude Cha-ka . . . he was just annoying but I loved the "pet" baby dinosaur dubbed Dopey cuz he was so cute.
For those of you who may have lived in a cave during the mid-70's . . . The premise of the show is that Rick Marshall (the dad) is a park ranger who takes his two kids, Will and Holly, on a rafting trip down a river. During the trip, an earthquake occurs which somehow opens up a rift in time, propelling the Marshalls into a land populated by dinosaurs, ape-men, and the dreaded Sleestak.