I think I missed something. At what point did having duck lips become sexy? I’m not talking naturally full, plump lips . . . like Angelina Jolie.
I’m talking people who inject crap . . . and I mean crap . . . into their lips. From fat transfers from one point on the patient’s body to make their lips fat, to donor tissue extracted from cadavers . . . that’s dead people folks . . . to collagen. Collagen sounds like the least offensive but did you know that collagen is extracted from cow hides . . . that would be dead cows folks. Just sayin’.
And I don't think I'm exaggerating when I'm comparing these lip jobs to duck bills . . .
Go ahead . . . tell me I'm wrong!
Anyhoo . . . is this sexy?
Or this?
Seriously, is this sexy?? Just askin'.
(And, yes, that's a dude.)