Love the one you're with. (That means YOU, silly.)

A random of list things I love;

  • Sleeping in
  • Waking before the sun comes up
  • Kindness
  • Comfort
  • Security.  Every single kind of it
  • Happy children
  • Jackson Browne
  • Laughing dogs
  • Spider plants
  • Coffee with real cream
  • Home made bread 
  • Being surprised by feelings of gratitude
  • Home made freezer jam
  • Unexpected good news
  • Money, money, money
  • Reading
  • Science, humanities, poetry
  • Animals
  • Cars
  • Riding on the back of motorcycles
  • Make up
  • Earrings
  • My "to do" list existing on 3 different note books and countless stickies when it gets going
  • Clocks
  • Martha Stewart
  • Kitchen chairs
  • Gardening
  • A clean house
  • Being waited on
  • Making friends laugh
  • Tecate (so cold it's slushy on a HOTHOTHOT day with lemon and salt)
  • Family
  • Travel
  • Liking every song on the radio
  • Drinking all day with a best friend and laughing at each other
  • Respect
  • Admiration
  • Tomato basil salad
  • Love
  • Being made fun of by people I love
  • My crazy hair
  • Forgetting everything
  • My blog
  • My grandparents, especially my grandma
  • Psychics
  • Thrift shopping
  • Religion
  • Advil
  • A full tank of gas
  • Wonderful meals
  • Finding cash on the street
  • My friends
  • Throwing a great party
  • Taking care of the people I love
  • Snap judgements (only when I make them)
  • Showing off and actually having it work
  • Finding old friends
  • Finding old love letters
  • Finally realizing that my life couldn't be any more perfect
  • Myself
Happy Thursday, Dear Hearts.

Your ever lovin', 

Miss Pierce


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