Predicting the weather is an imperfect science, to say the very least. Even today with computer models, radar, and satellites and all other sorts technical mumbo-jumbo there is no way to accurately foresee what the atmosphere has in store for us.
Mankind has tried to predict the weather for eons. There are many adages based on simple observations from ordinary people interested in the meteorological happenings around them.
I’m sure you’ve heard the proverb that says red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. But did you know that the origins of this phrase are actually biblical . . .
Matthew 16:2. 'When it is evening ye say, it will be fair weather for the sky is red. And in the morning it will be foul weather today for the sky is red and lowering.'
There is often a red sunset when sky is clear and since high pressure generally brings fair weather, this type of red sky at sunset tends to signify that good weather is approaching . . . delighting sailors everywhere. However, if the sky is red in the morning sky this typically means that the high pressure region has already passed and low pressure is likely to follow bringing with it clouds, rain or storms . . . warning sailors of bad weather to come.
Of course there are often more or less obvious signs . . .
Luke 12:54 He also said to the multitudes, "When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, `A shower is coming'; and so it happens.
"Mare's tails and mackerel scales make tall ships take in their sails."
Cirrocumulus clouds often precede an approaching warm front, which will eventually bring veering winds and precipitation.
"Clear moon, frost soon."
On a clear night with no clouds to keep in the heat the earth rapidly cools. If it’s cold enough and there’s no wind there is a good chance of frost.
"Halo around the sun or moon, rain or snow soon."
Tiny prisms of icy crystals, in the form of cirrus clouds, can form a halo around the sun or the moon. Although it’s not a guarantee of bad weather, the brighter the circle, the greater the probability.
"Rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning."
In the morning, when the sun is in the east, the shower and its rainbow are in the west. A morning rainbow indicates that rain is moving from the west toward the observer.
"When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle."
When clouds increase, whole areas of stars may be hidden by clouds with groups of stars, still in the clear sky, seem to huddle together. The clouds are increasing, so the chance of rain is increasing too.
You know you can’t trust the weatherman . . . sometimes he’s right and sometimes he’s wrong. Even thought he probably has a plethora of education and technology behind his predictions that’s all they are . . . predictions. He’s nothing more than a prophesizer in a suit and tie.
Eggplant Casserole With Cheddar

1 1/2 To 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Cup Chopped Onion
1 Large Bell Pepper, Diced
1 Clove Garlic, Finely Minced
2 Slices Bread
1 Teaspoon Butter
3 Large Eggs, Lightly Beaten
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1/2 Teaspoon Dried Leaf Thyme
1 1/2 Cups Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Butter a 1 1/2-quart baking dish. Heat oven to 350°.
Steam the diced eggplant just until tender, about 5 minutes.
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and bell pepper and saute, stirring, until onion is tender. Add the garlic and saute for about 2 minutes longer. Remove from heat.
Spread bread slices with the butter and cut into cubes. Stir the eggplant and bread cubes into the onion mixture. Let the mixture cool slightly. Stir in the beaten eggs, salt, pepper, thyme, and marjoram. Stir in half of the shredded cheese. Spoon the mixture into the prepared baking dish and cover with the remaining cheese.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until lightly browned. Serve hot.