Up through elementary school until I entered junior high school I always wore my hair pretty much the same way. Which is to say that I didn't do much of anything to it at all. I had chin length straight hair with straight bangs that were trimmed to my eyebrows. Nothing fancy . . . purely wash and go with no fuss or muss.

So, not only would I look completely exhausted from lack of sleep because of all the pain of sleeping on rock-hard rollers clamped to my head but I'd have a goofy, poofy hair-do that was completely unlike my everyday plain jane look . . . it wasn't much of a look but it was me.
If I could get away with it, I would wet my hair down before I ran out to catch the school bus. Otherwise, I'd be stuck with a mop of floppy curls looking like some sort of dorky Shirley Temple.
It wasn't until I reached junior high school that I made a change in my appearance. No more stringy undone locks for me. Of course, that was also about the same time that I discovered that boys were cute . . . some of them, at least. That's when my hair style got some style . . . and that was the early 80's when hair got BIG and POOFY and . . . well BIG.
By the way . . . for whatever the reason, my mother never subjected my sister to this particular form of hair trauma. Another example of favoritism. Just sayin'.