Hold onto your cheese and crackers . . . this could be considered kind of gross and it’s certainly really strange . . .
I remember a lot of my dreams. Sometimes they’re vivid and sometimes they’re vague. Sometimes I’ll wake up with just an emotional recall and sometimes I remember details.
Last night I had a fairly involved and complicated dream but the part that is most vivid to me came to me suddenly when I performed the simple and ordinary act of cracking my knuckles. I dreamt that I cracked my pinky and it snapped off at the knuckle. It wasn’t a bloody mess or anything. In fact, the skin had already mostly grown over what should have been bare bone and flesh. So, I’m running around trying waiving around the nub of my pinky to get someone to help me to get the tip of my little finger reattached. And they said I couldn’t because it had already healed over.
I don’t take much stock in dream interpretation but I looked up the meaning for sh!ts and giggles. According to a number of different sources seeing fingers in a dream symbolizes physical and mental dexterity. They indicate manipulation, action and non-verbal communication.

Okay . . . so . . . it means . . . hmmm . . .
Something I’m doing is influencing the way how hard I work or how well I'm doing stuff?
Whatever . . . you finger it out . . . I mean figure it out.