"You have company coming over for dinner dumb ass. Get out of bed!"
The timing couldn't have been better since the sun had just appeared again. The next thing I know I am being pulled down the sidewalk by my jubilant dogs while I mentally reviewed the contents of my cupboard for something that I could feasibly serve as "company dinner". I definitely wasn't serving my stand-by meal of stale Bugles and old ice cream, that wouldn't make the cut. Luckily, I like to eat so I actually do have food and made a decent meal for my friends Lisa and Ariel.
I am so glad that I did, too! We had a blast catching up and laughed so hard that we were crying and our stomachs hurt. Molly (my very bad, very sweet dog) jumped up on the counter while we were upstairs talking about my bedroom makeover and ate half a stick of butter. Overall, it was a great night. I got flowers from my friends and Molly increased her cholesterol level by several hundred points. I'm calling it a win. Thank you ladies for another wonderful memory!
This morning another dear friend of mine posted this bit of depressing news on Facebook. Oh noes! Really? I had honestly mentally blocked my trip to Philadelphia years ago but this made it all come back in a rush. I saw neighborhoods there that broke my heart. Those once proud grand dames now apparently serve another function as guide posts to one of the portals to hell.
It also made me remember walking through a very old house years ago when I lived in Denver. That neighborhood was once beautiful and was on the verge of gentrification. I poked my head into a lovely old home mid-remodel there and saw that the fire place had a beautiful, intricate Victorian cast iron screen. It was decorated with fairies, a little like this one.
I couldn't help wondering how many small children that screen had inspired over the years.
It was a piece of magic that survived despite the years of neglect and poor conditions. It's always like that, isn't it? Children and buildings, no matter how beautiful or amazing they might be, they are often the victims of indifference, dysfunction and cruelty. Nothing gets under my skin like an abandoned anything does. I want all buildings to be warm and protective and everyone, especially children, to be happy, safe and loved.
It also made me remember walking through a very old house years ago when I lived in Denver. That neighborhood was once beautiful and was on the verge of gentrification. I poked my head into a lovely old home mid-remodel there and saw that the fire place had a beautiful, intricate Victorian cast iron screen. It was decorated with fairies, a little like this one.
I couldn't help wondering how many small children that screen had inspired over the years.
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It was a piece of magic that survived despite the years of neglect and poor conditions. It's always like that, isn't it? Children and buildings, no matter how beautiful or amazing they might be, they are often the victims of indifference, dysfunction and cruelty. Nothing gets under my skin like an abandoned anything does. I want all buildings to be warm and protective and everyone, especially children, to be happy, safe and loved.
I am a homebody, through and through. So much so that I get a warm fuzzy when I see a picture of our galaxy, solar system, planet, continent...I love home. I love warm lights coming through the windows, the comfort of good food, the safety of four walls and a roof. I love the intimate relationships of family and friends. Those people that love you no-matter-what. Home. There is nothing better.
When we build any structure I think it should be strong, well designed meant to last. It should have "good bones". For me, there is no reason to throw away the old in favor of the trend. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy trends too but I don't want to get rid of anything beautifully made in favor of some new trend. The thing is, I want both. I want the old and the new. I like them living side-by-side.
When we build any structure I think it should be strong, well designed meant to last. It should have "good bones". For me, there is no reason to throw away the old in favor of the trend. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy trends too but I don't want to get rid of anything beautifully made in favor of some new trend. The thing is, I want both. I want the old and the new. I like them living side-by-side.
I just can't make peace with our ridiculous pursuit of a quick buck. I don't have a problem with earning money. I like it. The much maligned 1% have done wonderful things that no one else can do over the eons and they still do it. They buy art, they start foundations, they fund new enterprise and so on. At least those that are visionaries or civic-minded do. They have the capital to do it and I say great. If you are rich, do great things with your money. To quote one of my favorite rainy day movies, Hello Dolly,
"Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread around, encouraging young things to grow."
I am all for new enterprise and making money is the American way but....do we really have to tear down beautiful old buildings or woodlands to build new, tasteless structures like strip malls? Like almost any American suburb I've ever seen? Our resources are finite but who cares about that? Let's just rethink the thoughtless abundance of UGLY.
"Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread around, encouraging young things to grow."
I am all for new enterprise and making money is the American way but....do we really have to tear down beautiful old buildings or woodlands to build new, tasteless structures like strip malls? Like almost any American suburb I've ever seen? Our resources are finite but who cares about that? Let's just rethink the thoughtless abundance of UGLY.
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Personally I would much rather look at these buildings... |
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...or these woods.. |
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...than I would this ugly strip mall. |
I know that Urban Blight is nothing new and that the reasons for it are complex, not easily remedied. Certainly one of the fundamental issues has to be our national disrespect for the Arts. Who in their right mind would prefer this ugly strip mall to the apartment building above? Who would prefer any ugly strip mall to the woods?
I know I am getting preachy and I have no right to be it's just that sometimes I can't help it. I'm bossy, okay? Ugly buildings have no right to exist. There, I said it. They have no right to exist. They should all be remodeled before vacant land is used to build a new ugly building. Beautiful old buildings should be saved and treasured. I know, I know, we can't have people telling other people what to build or where based on something as subjective as taste.
Couldn't we try though? What if everyone were to teach themselves and their children about art and design...wouldn't it help?
What do we really value, as a nation? Look around you, America! We put our time and energy into what we value most and for almost every American I know that equals work, family and fun. Education is simply a tool to use so we can land higher paying job. We hardly notice and never discuss the loss of something beautiful like a neighborhood. In fact, we blame the poor bastards that live in the decay and avoid those areas of town. At least, we do until the artists and gays move in and fix everything up for all of us. I believe beauty is a fundamental human need. It's beauty that inspires hope and hope changes everything.
I know I am getting preachy and I have no right to be it's just that sometimes I can't help it. I'm bossy, okay? Ugly buildings have no right to exist. There, I said it. They have no right to exist. They should all be remodeled before vacant land is used to build a new ugly building. Beautiful old buildings should be saved and treasured. I know, I know, we can't have people telling other people what to build or where based on something as subjective as taste.
Couldn't we try though? What if everyone were to teach themselves and their children about art and design...wouldn't it help?
What do we really value, as a nation? Look around you, America! We put our time and energy into what we value most and for almost every American I know that equals work, family and fun. Education is simply a tool to use so we can land higher paying job. We hardly notice and never discuss the loss of something beautiful like a neighborhood. In fact, we blame the poor bastards that live in the decay and avoid those areas of town. At least, we do until the artists and gays move in and fix everything up for all of us. I believe beauty is a fundamental human need. It's beauty that inspires hope and hope changes everything.
It's time we started asking ourselves deeper questions about what we value. How do those values translate onto the face of our nation? What legacy do we leave behind when we populate our landscape with soulless fast food restaurants while we let beautiful, thoughtful creations rot in front of our eyes?
For the love of all that is holy, people!!! If you do nothing else consider opening up a book with your children about anything you are passionate about and maybe toss in some art or architecture along the way. Everyone seems to know who Frank Lloyd Wright was but they don't know why he was important. Not really. If they did every suburban home in American would NOT greet us with a huge gaping garage. Yes, cars are cool. I love my V8! Yes, they symbolize success but does our love for them need to over ride good design? No. Do they need to shine at center of our homes, like a god? I say no! A thousand times NO!
Wake up, people. We need change in this nation and that change should include more outrage about the ugly in our lives. We need locally grown food, rehabilitated neighborhoods and art, art, ART! In other words, we need more passion. Kudos to the many people that are actually contributing to making this happen. Let's join them! Nothing should never stop us from trying to make our part of the world a better place. Sooner or later we are all idiots and right now, we are really falling short in the "I give a shit about my community/country department." Not everything should be filed under "Not my problem."
Find something that matters to you and do something about it. Please, share what you find beautiful with your kids and let them know why. Whether it is the curves on a vintage motorcycle, the way Eddie Vedder sounds when he is screeching into the mike, or the way that a perfectly fried egg tastes, let them know that you love it and why. Talk about beauty. Be aware of art and pay attention to how much you enjoy it. It's not only for children. Art, every kind of it, is creativity incarnate and without it we will all find ourselves living in horrible vinyl clad boxes with ugly paneling.
While you do that, I'm going to take Butter Breath Molly to the park and try to work off her high cholesterol.
Find something that matters to you and do something about it. Please, share what you find beautiful with your kids and let them know why. Whether it is the curves on a vintage motorcycle, the way Eddie Vedder sounds when he is screeching into the mike, or the way that a perfectly fried egg tastes, let them know that you love it and why. Talk about beauty. Be aware of art and pay attention to how much you enjoy it. It's not only for children. Art, every kind of it, is creativity incarnate and without it we will all find ourselves living in horrible vinyl clad boxes with ugly paneling.
While you do that, I'm going to take Butter Breath Molly to the park and try to work off her high cholesterol.
I'll stop ranting now.
Your ever lovin',
Miss Pierce