One of my duties as mother and parent to a teenage boy is to torture him. It's a right and privilege earned by having to put up with his angstiness. And it's fun.
My primary fodder is girls. When I ask him if he has a girlfriend, which is fairly often, the typical reply is “moooooooooooooooooom”.
The kid is kinda cute . . . in a moppy haired, Shaggy Doo bearded kind of way. So, I don’t see any reason why some girl wouldn’t think he’s appealing.
He says he’s not interested in the girls he knows. He says that they’re annoying. All they do is talk, talk, talk and giggle, giggle. Yeah, well, that’s what teenage girls do. Especially around boys they like.

He said there was this one girl who came running down the hall at him . . . arms wide open and on a collision course for a full frontal tackling hug. He avoided the attack by turning to the side and deflecting her with his arm. He escaped, sans hug, with the girl staring at him all goofy-like.
Yep, the chicks dig my boy.
He then went on to tell me that girls only want to use boys to get other boys jealous. That’s remarkably perceptive and, sadly, true a lot of the time.
He said that just the other day a girl walked up to him and straight up asked him if she could be his girlfriend. Just like that, right out of the blue. He said, “Uh no.” She was all like, “Come ooooooon be my boyfriend.” He said, “Uhm . . . uh . . . no thanks.” Then she was all like, “Puhleeeeease? My boyfriend just broke up with me.” And my boy replied, “No way!” And made a hasty retreat.
I know that his hormones will eventually drown out the girly background noise but for now I’m kinda glad he has yet to submit to their feminine wiles. He’ll be my boy for a while longer.
Homemade Chicken with Root Vegetable Soup
1 (3 Pound) Whole Chicken
4 Carrots
4 Stalks Celery
1 Large Onion, Halved
4 Parsnips
2 Potatoes
Egg Noodles (Optional)
Egg Noodles (Optional)
Water to Cover
Salt And Pepper To Taste
Put the chicken, 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 parsnip and onion in a large soup pot and cover with cold water. Heat and simmer, uncovered, until the chicken meat falls off of the bones (skim off foam every so often).
In the meantime peel and chop the remaining vegetables. Set aside.
Take everything out of the pot, discard the vegetables (they’ll be smooshy).
Add the reserved vegetables to the broth and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat.
Pick the meat off of the bones. Season the broth with salt, pepper. Add the egg noodles at this time.
I pack into individual servings and freeze them for lunches. Take them out, pop them in the microwave and you have fresh, homemade soup whenever you want it.