Remember when you were a child and a big part of the training program installed by your parents included a whole lot of "telling the truth"? Then later you discovered almost simultaneously that your parents wanted to know your truth for pretty much the same reasons they wanted you to look both ways before crossing the street. They wanted to keep you safe. They wanted to know all about you so they could protect you and then (possibly) later, try to micro-manage you into the kind of happy, high-functioning person that they either were or were not. This understanding about TRUTH and your parents dawns on you about the same time you realize that other people in your life outside of your family want the truth, too. They want to keep themselves safe. They wanted to know all about you so they could protect you or (possibly) later, try to strategically manipulate you into the kind of happy, idiot that might help them gain some prize, usually social or economic or both.
Over the years your relationship with "THE TRUTH" becomes exceedingly complex which is ironic because dogma tells us that the truth is simple.
It's not.
Not only that, people want to know the EXACT truth about what they care about, as it relates to you but no more than that, please. Be responsible, be like-able, be trustworthy, transparent, honest but be savvy about it. Be guarded and for chris sakes, the truth is, be in control. Of yourself. Of your environment. Your past. Your future. Your figure. Control those feelings and don't show them on your sleeve. Learn to filter yourself. Know your audience. Learn to toughen up.
Have a sense of humor, though. Everything is going to be okay. God never gives you more than you can handle. The truth is, if you dress up and walk with confidence, most people won't know that you have a raging migraine, that your marriage is falling apart, that you have a nervous tic when you pass up a sale on plus sized accessories.
Honestly. The truth is, you need to fully fund your 401k and you really shouldn't smoke.
You know it doesn't matter...all this TRUTH clamoring for your attention and that's before you turn on the radio or the news, before you think about things like THE MEANING OF LIFE and is there a God. Is there? The truth is, I don't know and beyond having something akin to a strong feeling of one else does either.
Conviction. Feelings of conviction help us navigate the complicated SIMPLE truths we all work so hard to face, to hide, to find, to forgive, to move past, to overcome, to be grateful for. Yes, once that complexity is directed it begins to gather force, like flood water moving down through canon walls.
It's such a rush of relief to KNOW at last, that you are right about something. Really, really right. It's shocking to understand HOW anyone could be so misguided to fail to see things the way you do.
Don't be evil.
Of course not! The truth is, I wouldn't harm a fly...unless the fly had it coming and then I'd really just bruise it. For it's own good. Mentally. I don't judge or gossip, well...not unless I have good reason to. Trust me, there are just people I don't like. Plus, why would anyone act like that? Obviously, he/she knows that if you act like that, you are going to get some shit. That's life. Those are the hard facts. It's not my fault that he/she is a loser.
You know what? It's not your fault. Or mine. That hasn't stopped me from being a royal bitch sometimes and I know I'll do it again. That's the truth. The WORST part of it is when I act so badly, fully thinking I am IN THE RIGHT only to realize (typically years later) that I was a raving bitch to behave in that manner.
I think about it a lot, not being evil and I ask myself, "Self, does a person KNOW when they are being evil? How does one monitor such things? I can't wear a diaper like Gandi and meditate! First of all, my undergarments need SUPPORT. Second of all, I'm way to mean. So, what do I do? How will I know?"
In recent days and weeks I have listened to a lot of words being bandied about and some down right mean ones. I've been told not to be so sensitive and honestly, really? I'm emotionally sensitive and emotionally tough, too. The truth is, people say a whole lot of crap when they think they are.....right and that they are being honest.
Yeah, that's right. Crap. We all do it. Own up to the fact that there are times you could do a better job as a person. We all could. In addition to Not Being Evil we could actually be:
More polite
Assume the best
Control our anger
Ask questions
Control our anger some more
Assume we are still making a lot of assumptions because well, that's what we do, and give the person the benefit of the doubt
Behave like the graceful hero or heroine you thought you would be when you grew up. It's not an evil meter. Or an Evil-O-Meter but I think it's something.
What we think, how we act, what we's really the same going back to the dawn of man. There will always be assholes walking the earth. How do I know that? Because it's US, you ass! Wake up! Good people do the worst things to each other.
Play nice-er. Forgive more. Save yourself. I owe you that much, I do. While you are saving you, don't pick on anyone else.
Everything is personal. Politics are everywhere. So is love. There is NO place that is a good place to be a douchebag. Not at work. Not at a restaurant. Not on the highway. People make mistakes, people live small lives and people are doing their best.
So here I am, looking for an evil-o-meter and the only remedies I can clearly see so far, the only things that mitigate the hardest parts of being alive are love and beauty.
The truth is, we could be a little more transparent when it comes to love and beauty. Truth be damned. It's a moving target. Data is a moving target.
Don't be evil. Maybe what we need to do is actively try to be something more than the worst thing there is.
The truth is, it's okay to love every single part of your life but we are so cruel to one another, we make it difficult to do.
Your ever lovin',
Miss Pierce