me runz away

Back in the good old days of 2006-ish, I think, around get the drift....AGES good work friend Walter introduced to me to a new concept called "lol cats".  Either that or I caught him moronically giggling at his monitor and wanted in on whatever it was he found so funny.  I still remember how, when seeing my first lol cat, I was...perplexed.

"First of all, why would a cat want a cheese burger?  Why do people think animals can write but that they are just really bad spellers.  Most of all, YOU don't even like cats. Why is this funny?"

Seriously.  Why is that funny?  Lol cats are not funny. That was my position until....well, until I saw this.

I confess.  I chuckled.

That's a little funny, I thought. A LITTLE.  It's still really stupid though.  "Walter is just weird" or something like that ran through my head while he talked about "internet meme's" with the same happy glow that came over him when words like "cloud computing" or  "gourmet food truck" were bandied about.  I was taking it all with a big grain of salt.  Then there was this.

Admittedly, this got a full blown giggle.

Okay...this cat clearly has an important message and neither of them are poor spellers, so now I'm more onboard.

That's how it starts with me.  Slowly. The next thing I know, I am looking at hardcore LOL cats when I need a chuckle.

Hardcore lol cats.  i haz a problem.

I know, I's not right because now they are amusing me out of cute as much as funny.  It's a slippery slope.

Still, I didn't get it.  Why were all these nerdy boys laughing at lol cats?  More importantly, when did they start listening to music I actually like?!

Oh. Well.  Never mind.

Your ever lovin',

Miss Pierce


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