Men are quite touchy when the question of their virility or manhood are at stake. This has been a vulnerability of men since time without end.
So what’s in a name? No, the cod in codpiece was not in reference to the fish. Cod is actually an old English term meaning bag. So the cod in the piece alludes to . . . uh . . . dangly doodads.
The codpiece was, in fact, functional before it became . . . hmm . . . enhanced. It was simply designed as a covering to fill up the gap between the hose in the front of a man’s breeches. But over the 200 years it was fashionable it became more and more enhanced.
It wasn’t enough to have a simple fabric covering . . . oh no . . . the fashion designers of the day had to elaborate to excess . . . elaborating on the padding, decorating, and shaping. They made codpieces bigger, more eye catching . . . actually making them suggest the shape of a man’s . . . uh . . . package . . . only much larger.

Canned cream corn has NOTHING on this simple recipe
1/4 Cup Butter Or Margarine
4 Cups Fresh Corn Kernels (About 8 Ears)
2 Cups Half-n-Half
2 Tablespoons Cornmeal
1/4 Teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper
2 Tablespoon Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat; stir in corn kernels and half-n-half. Sprinkle with cornmeal, sugar, pepper and salt; stir well.
Bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat, and simmer, stirring constantly, 10 to 12 minutes.
Serve immediately.