What cod fish?

We all know how sensitive men are about the size of the manliest of their manly man parts.  Their choice of vehicle or pet is often an outward projection of their self image . . . over compensation is often in evidence.  It takes a real man to be seen driving a Honda Fit with a Chihuahua perched on his lap.

Men are quite touchy when the question of their virility or manhood are at stake. This has been a vulnerability of men since time without end. 

I think one of the best examples of this is during the Renaissance when it was not he who rode the largest steed who was the  . . . uhm . . . bigger man but he who sported the bulkiest codpiece . . . a pouch attached to a man's breeches to cover his . . . er . . . manliest of the manly man parts.

So what’s in a name?  No, the cod in codpiece was not in reference to the fish.  Cod is actually an old English term meaning bag.  So the cod in the piece alludes to . . . uh . . . dangly doodads.

The codpiece was, in fact, functional before it became  . . . hmm . . . enhanced.  It was simply designed as a covering to fill up the gap between the hose in the front of a man’s breeches.  But over the 200 years it was fashionable it became more and more enhanced.

It wasn’t enough to have a simple fabric covering . . . oh no . . . the fashion designers of the day had to elaborate to excess . . . elaborating on the padding, decorating, and shaping.   They made codpieces bigger, more eye catching . . . actually making them suggest the shape of a man’s . . . uh . . . package . . . only much larger.

As the Black Death raged . . . the church declared the plague as a divine punishment for the sinful style.  This did nothing to diminish the popularity of the pouch . . .  however, towards the end of the 16thcentury the codpiece not only diminished in size but in popularity.  Men were once again strapped with the need to find new ways to exhibit their masculine . . . er . . . prominence. 


My god, men are weird.

Creamed Corn

Canned cream corn has NOTHING on this simple recipe

1/4 Cup Butter Or Margarine
4 Cups Fresh Corn Kernels (About 8 Ears)
2 Cups Half-n-Half
2 Tablespoons Cornmeal
1/4 Teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper
2 Tablespoon Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Salt

Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat; stir in corn kernels and half-n-half. Sprinkle with cornmeal, sugar, pepper and salt; stir well.

Bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat, and simmer, stirring constantly, 10 to 12 minutes.

Serve immediately.


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