There was much joking around about lightening striking and foundations crumbling and whatnot but even though I don't hold the same beliefs as they do I'm not uncomfortable entering the house of God.

So, on the way to the church my mother . . . blesses her insane heart . . . turns to me in the car and says with all sincerity and seriousness, "don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit in the pew and follow the service. Nothing is going to happen."
My reply . . . "Moooooooooooooom".
Really?? Yeah, really.
We enter the church, sit in a pew and, miraculously, no wrath of good occurred. A true Christmas miracle.
The pageant was incorporated into the regular service . . . there was lots of singing of Christmas songs, reading of scripture, the pageant, followed by prayers and communion.
The pageant went well. The story of the birth of Jesus was read by the children of the parish. The baby Jesus was played by a little baby girl in a sparkly red dress. My niece needed to practice her role a little better . . . when she was supposed to be sleeping in the stable, "Joseph" was sleeping in the hay while she was propped up on one elbow surveying her adoring audience with a goofy grin on her face.
However, the highlight of the event was when "Mary" and "Joseph" attempted to put "Jesus" into the manger. The sequin clad savior wanted no part of it. Watching them attempt to put the baby in the manger was like watching someone put a cat into a tub of water . . . feet flailing and arms blocking . . . it was quite funny.
Okay . . . the Christmas rush is through. Now we can all sit back and relax into the piles of empty boxes, carelessly discarded wrapping paper and ribbons. So, now what? 365 shopping days until next Christmas . . . that's what!
Now, don't let me hear another word about Christmas for the next 11 months.