I’ve played drinking games . . . but not for a looooong time. I learned my lesson pretty early on that playing a game to drink as much as you can to get drunk as fast as possible is just silly . . . and painful the next day.

The game we were playing was based on the board game Scattergories. For the uninitiated the objective is to score points by uniquely naming objects within a set of categories, given an initial letter, within a time limit. Actually, it had nothing to do with the actually game but we used the game cube in our little diversion. It was at a New Year’s Eve party with family and close friends.
In our version of the game, you rolled the multifaceted dice which has different letters on each face. Whoever rolled the cube got to call the alcohol that everyone else had to do a shot of that started with the letter that came up on top. If you couldn’t think of one or if the booze wasn’t available then no one drank. That’s it . . . stupid but effective.
As we all know drinking alcohol diminishes judgment and decreases inhibition. Yeah, I lost both. I ended up running around the all over the place flashing people and being exceptionally obnoxious. And if you know me . . . I can be fairly annoying with very little effort. So, everyone got to see my ta-tas and annoyed all at the same time.
The only thing that gives me any comfort is that everyone else at that party was also pretty drunk . . . at least, I think they were. And, if they weren’t I don’t want to know.
The moral . . . drink responsibly and don’t be stupid.