Another day at the wheel and I can't concentrate to save my life! I can sit with a cup of coffee and although I am completely still on the outside my head is spinning with thoughts of all the things I need to do, could do, should do and want to do. It renders me helpless, really. You can talk about ADD all you want, I've taken the medication, it helped but it's no cure. As usual, everything in life that I want or need to accomplish boils down to discipline, consistency and courage. I find all that very annoying sometimes as I would rather write a check and be done with it, whatever the "it" is that day.
Me? I want a cure. Like most Americans, I suffer from the "I want it now" syndrome that sent poor Veruca Salt down the bad egg shaft.
Since I know a cure isn't going to leap into my head and organize my wildly untamed mind, I guess I should at least get a shower and get myself out the door before my dogs lose their minds. They really need a walk. (For the record, that little item is a "should do")