Now that Christmas is over I am racing to the finish line called New Year's Eve. Everything in my world needs to be "just so" in order for me to fully enjoy the new year. Tomorrow my good friend Dave is coming over with his brother to finish assembling the Ikea wardrobe that I bought in June of this year. You read that correctly. June, as in 7 long months ago. In retrospect, I was wrong to cheap out on paying a professional Ikea team put the thing together for me but I thought I was being thrifty. Hah! Instead my poor friends (Thank you, Rick, Rossi and Gary!) have been over here slaving on the thing as they have had time. All that remains now is to attach the behemoth to the wall and install the very heavy and very beautiful sliding glass doors. I can't wait to have access to a wall full of additional closet space! I have been fantasizing about organizing my closets, mentally moving shoes to this walk -in or maybe sweaters should be folded on that shelf? In clear plastic organizers? So many choices. I'm in heaven.
I love organization and having everything in it's place. I really can't be happy in chaos. Along with my fantasy closet overhaul I am writing lists like mad. Setting end-of-year deadlines for myself. There are things, the unfinished wardrobe being one, that I don't want to bring with me into 2012 but I also want to remember all the good things about the year, including my own accomplishments.
Last week I was with my friend (who shall remain nameless) and she lamented that she had failed to send out Christmas cards. Before I could shrug off her remark with a lukewarm reassurance she blurted out, "I hate to see all that waste. Christmas cards are such a waste of paper. It's really bad for the environment."
I couldn't help replying, "Let me get this straight. You are feeling bad because you didn't send cards that you believe are bad for the environment?"
She giggled and admitted her self imposed no win situation. We moved on to other topics. Still, while I write my lists and race to get my little world in tip top condition for maximum productivity and a peaceful new year, I keep thinking about this moment we shared. Where am I setting up no win situations for myself and then giving myself a big, fat "F" for my failure? Ladies, let's be honest. I don't think men do this. This is a girl thing. It's not a helpful girl thing but it is a girl thing.
Do you have a stack of women's magazines like I do? Do they contain helpful stories about fashion, weight loss, improving your career, looking 10 years younger, baking a better cake or putting the spark back in your relationship? Tell me ladies, why is it we feel bad if we aren't wearing a wonder bra and looking fabulous whilst we rush our toddler to the emergency room? There is nothing more important than your child but as soon as you know your kid is okay, you probably think, "God, I look awful." I know how you are. Hard on yourself. Women are so hard on themselves. We truly want to be perfect. Men seem to have more realistic expectations of themselves than we do.
Anyway, it's something I've been chewing on.
Right now I am working on a list titled, "My Accomplishments." A sort of year end review of the good things that I did. I've mentioned before how much I love a fresh start. How can you start fresh if you don't take some time to recognize what you have done? Your abilities to meet the goals you set for yourself or the unexpected challenges that you dealt with along the way. Set resolutions if you want but before you bust out your thigh master ask yourself for a few gold stars on your year end report card. I bet you earned more than one "A."
Lastly, don't forget to have some fun! Drink something sparkly and shout, "Happy New Year" with your tribe. Romantic moments happen even when you aren't in love. Put on something glamorous, laugh, shout, and take lots of pictures. In the parlance of my generation, "Rock you like a hurricane." Love being you this year. No one else can do it so perfectly.
Over and out.
Your ever lovin',
Miss Pierce