One day I fell asleep in the library. When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face.

Sometimes a thought or a question just pops into my head and I have to investigate it or know the answer or find a solution.  And you, dear reader, are the benefactor of the whims of my brain farts and the resulting researches . . . aren’t you the lucky one!  I wish I was as awesome as you!

Today’s random inspiration . . . pimples.  Not just any kind of pimple but the kind that consistently return to the same location with similar resulting ickiness.

I have one . . . it’s not painful, it doesn’t appear to be in ingrown hair and it’s not particularly disfiguring but it shows up fairly regularly in the same exact spot. 

I know it’s kind of a gross topic but albeit from me to deprive you, my dear reader, of the knowledge I’ve gained from looking into the topic.

First of all the most controversial advice . . . pop it, don’t pop it . . . with all kinds of substantiating information as to why or why not.  Yeah, that helps.  Not.

From what I was able to glean from the voluminous amount of information out there, the most plausible causes for a pimple popping up in the same place seem to be:

1.  This spot on my face may have increased and sustained release of hormones responsible for acne (meh)


2.  Improper hygiene (uhm, I don’t think so)


3.  Since I go along with the pop-it recommendation . . . that there is still some gunk left underneath the skin that hasn’t been "processed" yet so another pimple comes up in the exact same place. They eventually go once that area has been completely drained. (hmmm)


4.  Constant touching of the same part . . . it’s possible that this area is being irritated by the protective glasses I wear, both at work and at the shooting range.  That fits. (aha!

And as long as we’re talking about pimples . . . the word “zit” came into poplular usage in the 1960’s.  the term may be related to the German "Zitze", which means teat, nipple.

There you go.  Now you know.

I had plenty of pimples as a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library. When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face.

Rodney Dangerfield


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