When love walks in the room don't have pink monkey socks on.

Today on my way home from work it was sunny and beautiful when the sound of Chrissy Hynde's voice came over the radio singing, "Message of Love".  Now, I'm not really a musical type and most of my friends consider my musical taste lacking. Even so, I have to share my opinion about Chrissy Hynde.

I think she is shockingly underrated. 

To this day, I think everything about her is cool.  Just looking at her makes me feel rebellious. 

 "Message of Love"  

Now the reason we're here

As man and woman

Is to love each other

Take care of each other

When love walks in the room

Everybody stand up

Oh it's good, good, good

Like brigitte bardot

Now look at the people

In the streets, in the bars

We are all of us in the gutter

But some of us are looking at the stars

Look round the room

Life is unkind

We fall but we keep gettin' up
Over and over and over and over and over and over

Me and you, every night, every day

We'll be together always this way

Your eyes are blue like the heavens above

Talk to me darlin' with a message of love

Now the reason we're here

Every man, every woman

Is to help each other

Stand by each other

When love walks in the room

Everybody stand up

Oh it's good, good good
Say I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you

She's fabulous and she just keeps getting better with age.  Don't believe me?  See for yourself.

Still cool, still pulling off too much eyeliner and pirate gear.  God, she's awesome. 

She's right, too.  When love walks in the room, everybody should stand up.  It is good, good, good.  

There I was, rockin' out, thinking about one of my favorite women of all time while walking the dogs when I noticed a fabulous flowering shrub in my neighbors yard.  It's been unseasonably warm this winter and everything is blooming.  I see this shrub that looks like a forsythia only....it's HOT pink.  Almost red, really.  I know, fascinating, right?  

Forsythia.  It's most definitely NOT pink.

So I take the dogs into the neighbors back yard (it's not fenced!) just to get a closer look at this amazing find when....I hear a horn honking.  At me.  It's the neighbor.  She's elderly and driving a Ford station wagon.  She's so Southern. A real Steel Magnolia. She is all made up, hair done and extremely well dressed.  She stops in the middle of the street in rush hour traffic to remind me very politely that; 

A) I should not being going through anyone's yard with my dogs 
B) I should have a baggie with me at all times to pick up any droppings they leave in the neighborhood.  

She caught me red-handed, or should I say empty-handed, in her yard.  No doggie poop bags.  What was I wearing?  A too tight, years old Google hoodie sweatshirt, capri style leggings, hairy legs, pink monkey socks and converse all stars.  

I work out.

Look out, Chrissy.  I'm right on your tail, ready to steal your thunder any minute. 

Pink monkey socks and no doo doo bag.  Sheesh. 


Miss Pierce


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