A morning without coffee is like sleep

Yesterday morning, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that I did not need a cup of coffee.  I was, in fact, too tired to make myself a cup.  You would think that that would have been fairly good indicator that I did, indeed, need a dose of caffeine but, whatever, it didn't happen.

Later in the day I was at work in a meeting with our $200/hour software developer consultant.  He was showing me and my boss how to make modifications to a form; very interesting and informative, I assure you.  Really it is . . . well, for me it is.

Anyhoo, I’m sitting there paying attention to his demonstration and suddenly I start fading.  Pretty soon it became a struggle to keep my eyes open.  He looked in my direction to explain something and he said, “Whoa, you’re sleeping.”  

I wasn’t actually asleep, but I was fighting it hard.  “I am.” I replied, “You can tell?”  He said, “You look dazed and you’re eyes are practically crossed.”  He proceeded to give me a dollar and insisted I go get a cup of coffee.  I balked.  He said, “No, really.  I insist.”  Okay.  Albeit for me to refuse free caffeine.  It was the best cup of coffee I’ve had in ages.  He said, “Free coffee is always the best coffee.”

Lesson learned . . . make coffee in the morning even if you’re too tired to make it.  Now, if I could only remember what he was trying to teach me . . . that was a lesson not learned, apparently.


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